Nestled at the heart of Lemonboy, “Autopilot” is a raw and deeply vulnerable reflection on the quiet rhythms lost in heartbreak. It captures the disorienting disruption of love’s absence—the way life feels unmoored when those small, automatic moments come to a jarring halt.
“Autopilot” was written in just several minutes while processing one of the hardest points of my life. The song is about losing the simple, everyday routines established when with sharing life with another person: making them coffee in the morning, turning to show them a funny text, or just existing in a shared space and the comfort of their presence. When those rhythms are unexpectedly broken, their absence serves as these small, unpredictable reminders of loss.
I agonized over the track order for Lemonboy. Even the original order I’d shared online ended up getting switched around just before release. Still, “Autopilot” was always at the album’s center. it felt right to place it between the softer and sweeter moments. The song omits its title in the lyrics—a deliberate choice to emphasize the loose ends that often linger after endings. For me, “Autopilot” is a reminder of how deeply love shapes our daily lives and how profoundly its absence can echo, whether through parting ways, loss, or growing apart.
Music & Lyrics: Adam Greczkowski
Arrangement: Adam Greczkowski, Emily Zornado, Jack Zornado
Engineer: Charlie Pilzer
Vocals: Adam Greczkowski
Ukulele: Emily Zornado
Clarinet: Nico MacDougall
Piano: Jack Zornado
Producers: Adam Greczkowski, Emily Zornado, Jack Zornando
This morning, I made you some coffee
The habit will take time to break
I know that we did the best we could
But still it seems such a waste
Tonight, I turned round to your pillow
And I lost my breath at the sight
Empty and quiet in the worst kinda way
Forgot for a second that the end of the day
Is no longer a time we share
I went to the doctor to find out
If everything’s right with my heart
And they said it looks fine
But that didn’t seem right
‘Cause I couldn’t call you in the car
And tomorrow’s felt certain in ways that I don’t
I’ve planned our whole lives in my head
And I know that you knew
‘Cause I know did too
Tied to you with invisible thread